Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Family Work

Have you worked side by side with your family in a work setting? This week for part of our class we talked about the importance of working with your family. For example, like helping around the house, cleaning others messes, doing outside work, and any others you can think of. You get close working together, more than you would if you played together. We talked about 5 C's that happen during work. First is creating. We create something together. It might be a clean room or you make something new. Second in contributing. When a family works together then are each contributing something. Everyone feels like everyone is doing their part. Next is connecting. Have you every worked around your mom or dad and you guys start talking about things you didn't think would have been brought up? As we work around each other we connect on a different level. As a family you start to connect. People might feel more open as they work. Fourth is cooperating. You are all working together. Its a project together. Working together builds unity. Last is complementing. Have you noticed when people work together they start complementing on the things others have done? Work brings out a different personality in everyone. Elder Dean Harmon from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints knew the importance of family work when he spoke in 1982 General Conference. He said, "Our family work has become a big factor in bringing a higher degree of love, peace, and unity into our home." Families that work together don't just teach their children how important hard work is. It teaches how important love is within a family. It teaches our child how to serve others and what it means to be selfless. Working as a family can bring many blessings in our lives. 

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