Thursday, December 3, 2015

Becoming a Parent

I don't have children yet, but I loved learning the effects parenting has on our children. It helped open my eyes how important it is to be a parent. What is the purpose of parenting? I feel this is a pretty easy question. In my opinion parenting is to teach, provide, protect, guide, nurture, and to love. My teacher pointed out something neat. Parenting is not only for the child, but for the parent. As we parent our child, we learn and grow. I didn't realize what an impact it has on everyone on how we parent. It doesn't only impact us, but it impacts everyone around us. The parent and child have a better relationship. They have more in common, there is acceptance, and better understand between the two of you. What is the purpose of parenting? It is to prepare a child to survive and thrive in a world they're going to live in. How important is that!? We have a very important role as parents. I think it's important to realize what we need to do to become the best parents we can be. There are three different parenting styles. The first is authoritarian. This parenting style wants control and they expect obedience. Some children with parents like this may feel rejected and very controlled. The next parenting style is authoritative. This parent puts clear boundaries using a warm, accepting context. Children feel their parents control their behavior moderately, they can express their opinions, and make their own decisions. Last, permissive parenting. These parents don't have any control. These children are encouraged to make decisions on their own and develop independence with few or no parental guidance. Which parenting style are you? Which one do you want to be? This week I realized what kind of parent I want to be. Of course I'm not going to be perfect, but I want to be the best parent I can be. 

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