Thursday, December 10, 2015

Divorce/ Remarriage

This is our last week in class! This is going to be my las blog post for this class! We talked about divorce and remarriage. This is a touchy subject for some people. I bet some of you reading this have been from families that have had a divorce or remarriage. It isn't something easy! There are different stages of divorce. The emotional stage is when we cut ourselves emotionally from that person. Then there are the stages of legal divorce and economic. Then if there are children involved you have to go through the coparental stage. During this stage you decide about the custody for your children. It mean both physical and legal. Physical is where the kids will live. Legal is if there is 50/50 joint custody or not. There are so many things to decide after the divorce. In studies, a women is less likely to get remarried after a divorce. Why is this so? In class we discussed this and some of the things we came up with are because of time, complexity, emotional, and negative associations. Also, second marriages are much more likely to get a divorce than the first. I'm not saying, all remarriages end up regretting it. My aunt for instance got a divorce from her husband and she is happily remarried. Actually, I have never seen her happier! I think it's different, for different people. Many people have said remarrying is a hard thing. There are a lot of different changes. There are four things we talked in class that can help those blended families. 1. first accept the fact that its going to take at least two years to be "normal"-meaning there are going to be a lot of changes people are going to have to make. 2. the biological parent should do all the heavy discipline. 3.-step parent role is similar to an aunt and uncle role. 4.- have closed door discussions with your spouse. I have never been in a situation where I have had a blended family, but I feel these could help. I think all in all do whats best for your family! Every family is different and needs different things. I think just keeping Christ the center of our families will make transitions in family life a lot easier. 

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