Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Family Work

Have you worked side by side with your family in a work setting? This week for part of our class we talked about the importance of working with your family. For example, like helping around the house, cleaning others messes, doing outside work, and any others you can think of. You get close working together, more than you would if you played together. We talked about 5 C's that happen during work. First is creating. We create something together. It might be a clean room or you make something new. Second in contributing. When a family works together then are each contributing something. Everyone feels like everyone is doing their part. Next is connecting. Have you every worked around your mom or dad and you guys start talking about things you didn't think would have been brought up? As we work around each other we connect on a different level. As a family you start to connect. People might feel more open as they work. Fourth is cooperating. You are all working together. Its a project together. Working together builds unity. Last is complementing. Have you noticed when people work together they start complementing on the things others have done? Work brings out a different personality in everyone. Elder Dean Harmon from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints knew the importance of family work when he spoke in 1982 General Conference. He said, "Our family work has become a big factor in bringing a higher degree of love, peace, and unity into our home." Families that work together don't just teach their children how important hard work is. It teaches how important love is within a family. It teaches our child how to serve others and what it means to be selfless. Working as a family can bring many blessings in our lives. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015


One of the most important thing in marriage is communication. I think most people have communication probably on their top 10 things you need to have to have a successful marriage. How would you ever resolve anything if you didn't say anything to your spouse? How would you know if they were upset about something? Communication is needed in a marriage. As we communicate we need to make sure we are clear about what were are feeling, wanting, and needing. Sometimes when my husband and I are talking we felt like we knew what the other person was feeling, but in reality we didn't. In relationships we talk in "different" languages. Ok, not literally. But we all speak using different words, tones, and use non verbal cues. We need to find out how our spouse communicates. What does his tone mean? What kind of non-verbal cues does he use that I need to act on? We all use different words, tones, and non verbal cues. It's important to find out what are spouse's is. One thing that is important is to make sure our relationship doesn't have "rocks" that add up. Think about when rocks start to build up and up on each other, its hard to move them. The more we keep something in and don't communicate to our spouse, "rocks" add up in our relationship and things don't get better. As we communicate there is no build up. Of course our relationship isn't going to be perfect, but it will get better the more we communicate. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Why do bad things happen to good people?

I think we have all heard the saying, "bad things happen to good people." Why is that? Things just happen. Life happens. I think the big reason is crisis happen to us for our own benefit. There for us to grow. We need to grow in this life to be the people we need to be. Where would we learn the things we need to learn if things didn't happen to us? I can think of times in my life where I'm struggling and of course at the time it just stinks. Although it was hard at the time,that's where I learned the most. Those hard things that I went through were the times that have made me the person I am today. One thing I learned in class that I just loved was the crisis sign in Chinese. The crisis sign actually means, danger and opportunity. How neat is that! I think that tells exactly what a crisis actually means. Obviously, when were in a crisis we will be struggling, but it is a huge opportunity for us to learn and grow. During this time of trial or crisis, we are never alone. We have our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help us through anything. I know we can get through anything when we have Heavenly Father and Christ with us. Heavenly Father doesn't give us trials for us to fail, he wants us to succeed and to grow from those experiences. Think back about the trials or crisis you have gone through in your life. Were you changed? Did you grow? Did you learn something to help you become a better person?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

How can I have a fidelity marriage?

This week in class we talked about a sensitive subject to many people, but very important to a lasting marriage. We talked about fidelity and the ways we can keep this in our marriage. What is fidelity? One definition I found it said it is faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.Who wouldn't want this is a marriage? One thing I got out of class about fidelity is we need to be aware of who were with and how much time we spend with people. I feel as though things start out innocent and then leads to something else. Usually people say, "It wasn't suppose to go that far" or "We started as just friends". To help this from not happening we can be open with our spouse. Don't hide things from our spouse. If you are doing this, then something is not right. One thing my husband told me if he ever had to do a project or homework with a girl he would always have me come with him. This made me feel confident in our relationship. He wants to make sure I would never think anything is happening and nothing would happen. Never be alone with a person of the opposite sex. This can just lead to something else. Make sure you always bring your spouse with you. Lastly, talk to your husband about things you can do together to protect fidelity in your relationship. This will be different for everyone, but it can help in many ways. Ezra Taft Benson said, "Fidelity to one’s marriage vows is absolutely essential for love, trust, and peace. Adultery is unequivocally condemned by the Lord. Husbands and wives who love each other will find that love and loyalty are reciprocated. This love will provide a nurturing atmosphere for the emotional growth of children. Family life should be a time of happiness and joy that children can look back on with fond memories and associations” If we have Christ the center of our lives, we will be able to have love and trust in our marriage.